Friday, December 15, 2006


TESTING this word seems to be very simple, but the work of tester and testing is not so simple as you might be thinking. This field is very vast. Working and functionality of any software depends mainly on the effort of testing. Tester do nothing means they are not going to develop any thing . They test either code of software or they check the GUI, functionality interfacing etc.
Testing means

"the execution of test with the intent of providing that the system and application under test does or doesn't perform according to the requirement specification"

in other words "software testing is an essential part of software development process,which is used to identify correctness and quality of the developed software"

Scope of Testing

As we all are knowing that how faster the software companies are developing . There is going to be manifold development in software companies which we have never thought. As there is increasing demand for developers ,there is also going to be the more demands for tester.
This because every one wants precise and accurate software according to the requriment . To improve this precision and accuracy software companies needs more testers.
for more precise and accurate work they need more tester. Thats why the ratio of developer and tester in ISHRO or NASA is nearlly 1 : 7 means for every one developer there are seven testers. Like wise in other MNC's company there going to have ratio of 2 : 1.

This data shows that there is going to more demand for the software testing Engg

Types of Testing

Principles of Testing

step1: expected outputs are defined here

step2:inspection of output value

step3: negative approach is used for testing

step4:Regression or Retesting is done

Types of testing

  1. White box testing-
  • done only to check the error in coding during development.
  • Its done developer or by white box testers.

2. Black box testing-

  • done to check functionality ,performance,GUI ,images etc.
  • Its done by black box tester


Acceptance test: Performed by tester whether the software fulfills the
requirement condition or not.
Accessibility test: To check whether the system is accessible by people or not.
Ad hoc testing: Testing without any test conditions.
Alpha testing: Testing performed at developer site by tester without interference of client.
Automated testing: Testing using software using automated tools like
Winrunner, QTP, test directer etc

Bug: Any deviation from client requirement is known as bug. Bub always lurk at the corners.
Beta testing : Testing conducted at the client side without the interference of developer.
Black box testing: Testing performed considering the external
behaviour and internal coding is completely ignored.
Bottom Up testing: its a part of integration testing where the
lowest model is tested first than the upper models.
Boundary value analysis: checks the boundary values.suppose
range is n to m, than there will be 6 possible test case for this.
Branch coverage analysis: testing of each branch at least once
for true or false outcomes.

CMM(Capability Maturity Model) levels:
Clear box testing: Performed to checks internal behaviour
means only coding.
Compatibility testing: The process of determining the ability
of two or more system to exchange information.

Defect: Any undiscovered , undetected or unrecognised bug is know as defect.
Defect density: A metric to calculate the number of defect per thousand lines of code.
Defect seeding: putting up the bugs in the software intentionally to check the efficiency of testing

Mannual Testing

Automation Testing


QTP(quick test profesionals)

Test Directer

Load Runner

silk testings

Segue software's Silk test can be used for testing a variety of application such as
  • Java , Visual basic and win32 applications
  • Website in DHTML,HTML,XML,Javascript,ActiveX,Applets using Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator
  • power builder application
  • Databases
  • Dynamic Linked Libraries(DLLs)

interview questions

Explore more about testing